George Cotsarelis, MD, is a scientific co-founder and advisor at Follica, Inc. as well as an advisor at PureTech. He is the lead inventor of Follica's platform technology. Dr. Cotsarelis serves as an active advisor to dermatology companies developing novel approaches to treating hair loss. He is Milton B. Hartzell Professor in the Department of Dermatology and serves as the Chairman of Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Cotsarelis is a pioneer and foremost expert in epithelial stem cell biology. His research led to the isolation and characterization of the expression pattern of stem cells from the bulge region of the follicle. He has published over 80 peer reviewed journal articles and has several issued and pending patents based on his scientific discoveries. He has an active clinical practice at the hospital affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Cotsarelis received a Bachelors degree in Bio Basis of Behavior and an MD degree from University of Pennsylvania.