Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD, is a medical advisor at Follica. She is a board-certified dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and assistant professor of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School.  Dr. Senna founded and co-directs the MGH Hair Loss Clinic and serves as principal investigator of the Hair Academic Innovative Research Unit, a clinical trials research unit dedicated to hair loss disorders. She has held a number of pharmaceutical, device, and foundation appointments, and is working on bringing novel clinical innovations at MGH. Beyond adult and pediatric general dermatology and her extensive expertise in hair loss, Dr. Senna’s clinical interests include cutaneous reactions to chemotherapeutic agents, psoriasis, acne, and nail disorders. Dr. Senna is an esteemed member of several professional societies and committees and is on the board of directors of the Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation.

Dr. Senna has published several articles and abstracts in dermatology journals, including the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology and the Archives of Dermatology. She has authored an online publication for eMedicine as well as a book chapter on conducting clinical trials in dermatology.  She is frequently invited to speak and give lectures nationally and abroad. She has also been quoted in top tier media publications such as the New York Times, and featured on multiple news outlets including Good Morning America.